Sunday 5 April 2020

The pied piper of.....

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......of India. Difference being he is not leading them to the precipice. At least that's what I would like to believe. Notwithstanding the naysayers. Its been a long stay on earth for me but in my conscious mind I can not think of any leader who instilled so much passion and pride in the masses. There have been greats but none who had such a connect with the people. He requests earnestly and majority of Indians fall into step irrespective of religion or social status. I am from a generation who were brought up deriding India and Indianness. The west and its philosophies were way too cooler. But today when I reflect upon my land it fills me with a sense of security and makes me want to discover more about my culture and its people.
The first time around when the whole of India came out (mostly in their balconies) to appreciate those who were providing their services during the lockdown I thought that the novelty of the idea will make people respond. This time I was sceptical what with the others calling it a foolish act and unscientific. They wanted some concrete action in the fight against the global scourge. But once again the people's response was overwhelming. I no longer belong to a country which grows and develops under self doubt, which is unsure of its true potential. The people of this country, the citizens who are 'dhoti clad' and 'dirty' have way more power than they have been lead to believe. And it took one exemplary leader to show us the mirror. Jai hind!


  1. Once I also felt the same but with every step I became more mature at looking the things .Western culture was attractive but I feel the power of a true Indian today jai hind

    1. Yes I feel roots need to stronger. There is no harm in appreciating other cultures but for that you need not look down upon your own.
