Sunday 5 April 2020

Social media crusaders

There was a time when to raise your voice you had to prepare yourself well. You had to be informed enough and motivated enough to raise issues. But in the times of social media expressing instant opinion has become so easy. A simple comment, a simple thought or a simple action can draw in responses which would put any civilized person to shame. Every one is wearing an intellectual hat nowadays no matter how torn it is. The language used to express views is crass and reflects on the mindset of even supposedly educated people. Talking of educated people well their education seems only degree based. There seems to be very little knowledge. Opposing and cristicing everything because they belong to the intellectual breed has become a habit. Extremes of opinions and their expression is so rampant that its disturbingly hurtful.
I have so often commented on certain issues hoping to grab the other person's attention and make him see the other side but to no avail. There are celebrities whom I have tried to interact with but they too don't entertain alternative views. Though they are quick to respond to sycophants. Social media has been at the root of many a revolutions which have shaped the world of today. And that is a good thing. It has given voice to every individual. But most of the times this voice is distorted and raucous which I feel is not the way of a civilized world. If the virtual world is the current reality then we need to first educate ourselves in being responsible.

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