Thursday 2 April 2020

Moping and mulling

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Its been a slow day today. A regular, mundane affair. Planning a menu, cooking it, eating and feeding, reading, a lil' bit of cleaning, some amazon prime (Mrs Maisel to be precise), some half hearted effort at exercising and mulling over the point of it all! Yes this sums up 2nd of April for me.
Well while walking at a semi brisk pace in my front yard I got thinking and drew a few conclusions which I would like to share with you all. First was regarding relationships. Talk of relationships and  the spouse is first in line. You see after 24 yrs together we know each other so well that disagreements and verbal duels are very easy to conjure. They have become second nature. But during the fifth round of my walk I realised that partnership works only as partnership should. One has to put in conscious efforts at every turn. One has to evolve with the other or else the divide will grow and you will slip into an existence where life will slip by in one blurry moment with very little to account for it. So a communication session is scheduled for tomorrow.
The second one was concerning me. I am now on the other side of 40 and my body and mind have started showing the signs. You know what I mean. Aches and pains, sagging everything, wrinkles, deficiencies, greying hair, pimples - well they make feel like a sixteen year old, something to cheer me up. Then in the 21st round of my walk I realised that as long as you are alive and kicking you need to live it big. You need to get a grip on things and make the best of what age is doling out to you. You need to take very good care of yourself and look a million bucks despite the wrinkles. After all you are how you feel. And I want to be happy and one hot gal till the day I die. So I pulled myself up and vowed to be the best version of me. Its important to be conscious of everything that you do so that every experience can be cherished. Having said so its time to get my beauty sleep. Will see you again tomorrow! 

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