Thursday, 9 April 2020

The other!

We as a civilized society have come a long way. Here by society I don't just mean the Indian society but the world as a whole. From being cave people today we live in sturdy houses, well most of us do. From hunter gatherers our needs and wants have conjured up delights beyond simple imagination. Everything around us has improved exponentially in the age of technology but our thoughts and mindsets remain the same.We are still divided into 'us' and 'them'. The fear of the other, the sheer callousness of it all is appalling.
A different language, a different appearance, a different colour, a different place still evokes feelings of alienation. Racism, sexism, parochialism, all the 'isms' still determine our reactions in uncomfortable situations. Is it the situation and our inability to think rationally in times of distress that makes us petty or is it something deeper? Primal feelings have always been a part of our psyche but we buried them deep under the garb of civilized and acceptable behaviour.
I feel these attitudes have always been there. But since social acceptability determines our stature we somehow manage to smother them. Only when certain conditions arise and we are no longer required to behave a certain way do we slacken our hold and let them the darkness surface. Its also related to the herd mentality. When most of the world takes the low road we too seek comfort in numbers without fear of rejection and follow.
We have to chose our paths and choose the qualities which will shape our desired personality. It doesn't mean that the other less desirable ones will vanish. They will also be there. We just have to train ourselves well so as to keep a grip over them even in trying times. Multiple crises around the world are spawning ugly patterns which can further create chasms. Now is the time more than ever to rise and uphold our functional systems.

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