Saturday 11 April 2020

Statistics they say it all

Mystery of Life from Death – The Southern Cross

In the times of corona morbidity is everywhere. And where disease resides can death be far behind. Everyday the statistical data keeps shifting towards the skies. The tickers keep the count, going forward always. Its become so commonplace that its lost its shock value. We as viewers look at the data as a measure of the situation. The numbers are just numbers. They don't depict human lives, they don't denote once living human beings with dreams and aspirations. They lie around unclaimed and alone. Its disturbing to dig deeper into the data and relate it to lives. A while ago I had penned something which I want to share with you. Its an effort to comprehend the ultimate reality of life.

Oh! the cruelty of it all.
The invisible hand, the shadow lurking in the shadows
The finality, the irreversibility
The suddenness and the shock
The unpredictability, out of the grasp of the most enlightened souls
The most learned minds.
The stealth and the horror
The invincibility and the unappeasability
The ugliness and the serenity
The natural and the unnatural
The feared and the revered
The expected and the surprise
Oh! death you cannot be explained
You hang there, away in some remote plane
but when our paths will cross even you cannot explain
Your mystery will be a mystery
but as you are a truth so is life
Can't stop living, waiting for you to come
One life, one journey, one soul and one end!

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