I take pride in my humble abode. It has been a long journey of collecting, discarding and maintaining the household stuff that we acquired (need based and want based). Hubby dear is also responsible for helping me make the house of our dreams. He might not be actively involved and he might have been boorishly reticent in appreciating my efforts but tacit approval has always been there. I strongly believe that a beautiful, well kept house is very important for the mind to function well and the body to relax. After all after a hard day's work the solace that the four walls of your house provide is incomparable (in the current lockdown situation you might not feel the same). No hotel room, no luxury abode matches up to the comfort of a home.
Maintaining a clean house and finding the zen in it is so necessary. Its a place where you can undo the knots which tie you down in a social set up. The warmth of a home, the colours of its design, the glamour of the artefacts, the smells wafting from the hearth, all say you are welcome! I have always tried to decorate and re-decorate my house. We started small and as age advanced and the pockets got deeper the look also became a bit chic if I may say so. And now I feel its the way I wanted it to be. The remaining desires are for my actual house. Once we leave behind the allotted accommodation and move into our own abode these desires will also manifest. I know desires are endless and wisdom says we should keep them in check but what the heck! they give me joy. The innumerable dreams I have which I see with open eyes sitting under the neem tree in my garden are important to me, They bring a smile to my lips and keep my heart light, healthy and happy. I don't want to look onto the other side where dreams don't come true. I am happy being here in a suspended space between the house I currently have and the one I am desirous of having.
You are doing great. carry on!