31st of December I danced into 2020 with all my heart since my son was here and his being here is a yearly event. The four of us - the breadwinner, the keeper, the princess and the prince (fancy names for husband, wife, daughter and son) are together once towards the fag end of the year. So off to the club we went in our glittery best. For some reason majority of us prefer to wear glittery westerns for the event. I did not fit into any so stepped into an Indian suit. Felt grumpy to be out of uniform but what the hell the positive was the company of family and friends.
We welcomed 2020 till our feet ached and our livers soaked up all that they could hold. The morning of 1st jan 2020 was like any other. But then slowly and steadily by mid January it all came trickling in. At first the news was distant and ineffectual. But then the deluge of cases and the scope of the pandemic unravelled itself. What a horrendous experience it was and still is. History taught us lessons on the plague and ebola but that was meant to be a lesson. Just a lesson. Who would have thought that it would become a reality in the nuclear and nano technology times. Guess a microbe can also F*up the best laid plans.
I want to extricate myself from the wreckage of human misery and look towards the sun. I want to disentangle the mind from statistics and numbers. There has to be more to humans and humanity than wallow in the pain of others. I want to laugh and be positive and try to be safe by following the guidelines like a good kid. And if even then the bloody little mite manages to get me so be it!