Nature seems to be at its ferocious worst. Climate and local weather patterns are all going crazy not following the recorded data of decades. Are these warning signs which we humans are choosing to ignore or are they just another shift in the climatic conditions of the atmosphere? After all nothing can remain the same for ever. Change does happen.
My understanding is that this is bound to happen in due course of time. History of the Earth shows that it has bore witness to catastrophic events in the past which have forced all life forms to start afresh categorically those which have survived. It has been approximately 66 million years since the last disaster so the next one could be well on its way. My only concern is that our apathy towards nature and smug global growth powered by competition has accelerated the process. Warning signs are everywhere. Nature lovers and concerned organisations are doing their bit to repair the damage but sadly their efforts will come to nought if the governments of the world don't join hands. If the global growth machinery doesn't slow down small efforts in reducing individual carbon footprints will just be smaller carbon footprints in the sand.
The balm to soothe the mercilessly gored planet will come from judicious use of human intellect! Instead of finding ways and means to out do the other and have an upwards moving growth curve we should aim for equitable distribution and sensible use of resources at our disposal. Instead of 'wants' 'needs' should be addressed. Growth has to be sustainable even if we have to lower its speed. One Greta Thunberg will only become an award winning child activist, attending conferences and being applauded, if the action doesn't shift from individuals to nations (even those headed by foolhardy leaders)!